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The following surveys are available:
- Visitors Survey
- Students Survey
- Women in the workplace: Understanding the impact of discriminatory HR practices
- West Hall Maintenance and Repair Form
- Graduate Orientation Session Evaluation - Spring 2021-22
- Knowledge, attitudes towards cancer screening, and prevention strategies among social media users in Lebanon
- Evaluation of a Social Media Video to Prevent Littering of Cigarette Butts around a Lebanese University Campus: A Cross-Sectional Survey
- REP Client Satisfaction Survey - 2019
- مقياس تقييم تطبيق الهاتف الجوال: نسخة المستخدم (MyFitnessPal)
- مقياس تقييم تطبيق الهاتف الجوال: نسخة المستخدم (uMARS-Ar)
- Policy brief Webinar Evaluation
- Priority Setting Webinar Evaluation
- Efficient Literature Searching Webinar
- 8th Open House for Graduate Studies at AUB- Post-Participation Survey
- Media Engagement Webinar Evaluation
- Course Syllabus Development
- BL Moodle course Activation - Summer 2019-2020
- Effective Communication of Health Evidence for Impactful Policy Decisions and Action
- Outracing the next pandemic: Alternative Incentives for a Pro-active Pharmaceutical R&D Model
- Harnessing the Power of Digital Health in Responding to COVID-19 and Beyond
- Unravelling the Relationship between Household Food Waste, Food Security and Financial Management: The Case of Lebanon
- Families: The Cocooning Vaccination Strategy: Knowledge Attitude and Practices of Physicians and Families in Lebanon
- Arabic Translation - Back Up
- Formative Assessment Knowledge, Beliefs, Practices and its Efficacy
- The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental health and Quality of Life Amongst Lebanese Adults: Cross-sectional Study
- The Role of Resilience in Mediating the Relationship between Depression and Dispositional Mindfulness in Nursing and Medical Students
- Class of 2020 Generic
- MEPI TLS: Post-Assessment Survey: Fall 2021 Cohort
- Career choices of Medical Students in Lebanon and their determinants
- Clinical Units
- Global advocacy and CSW: CSW mechanisms and ways of working
- MEPI TLS: Post-Assessment Survey: Spring 2022 Cohort
- K2PEERSS Hub: Effective Communication of Evidence for Impactful Policy Decisions and Action
- Test - Tutorial
- Registration for the AUB CME Conferences Participants Database
- K2PEERSS workshops
- Population under stress
- Assessment of ehealth literacy
- Using Instant Messaging Applications for Consultations in the ED
- لماذا يلجأ مرضى البيلة الدموية للإستشارة الطبية؟
- الكشف عن إضطرابات الأكل و محدّداتها عند اللبنانيّين كبار السنّ: دراسة مقطعيّة استكشافيّة
- Facility Survey- NCD Preparedness-Arabic and English versions
- Alumni Survey (2018 – 2023)
- Venipuncture training for Interns
- Venipuncture training for Interns_Aug2024
- Exploring medical doctors' and medical students’ knowledge and attitude towards artificial intelligence: a cross-sectional study from a tertiary referral center in Lebanon
- Association of avoidable risk factors with cancer risk in Lebanon: Single-center experience from the Middle East
- Exploring the Association between Increased Online Video Gaming and Mental Health Wellbeing Among Young Adults in Lebanon: A Cross-sectional Study
- Effect of Perceived Sexual and Gender Minority Inclusivity on Medical Specialty Choice Among Lebanese Medical Students (ENGLISH - ARABIC)
- Impact of EHR on Nursing Productivity and Performance at AUBMC
- MSFEA Events Newsletter
- Assessing the user-experience and usability of the Health Information System (HIS) by the healthcare staff at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC)
Please contact LimeSurvey at AUB Admin ( ) for further assistance.