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K2PEERSS workshops

This short survey is designed to evaluate the online workshop offered by the Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center at the American University of Beirut as part of the K2PEERSS Workshop. The track included five consecutive webinars spread over 2.5 weeks (April 20-May 06 2022).

The survey will take about 5 minutes of your time. Participation is voluntary but highly recommended as it will provide valuable information to help us continually improve the workshop for future participants. Completing this evaluation provides you with an opportunity to communicate your views about what went well and what could be improved.

We assure you that we will reserve your confidentiality at all times.

Your anonymity will be preserved and neither your name nor your personal information will be collected or linked to the responses.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.


If you agree to participate in this survey, and give permission for members of the research team to have access to your response, please check the box above then click on "Next".