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Evaluation of a Social Media Video to Prevent Littering of Cigarette Butts around a Lebanese University Campus: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Consent form 

This notice is for an AUB-IRB Approved Research Study for Dr. Rima Nakkash at AUB. *It is not an Official Message from AUB*

You are invited to participate in a research study entitled “Evaluation of a Social Media Video to Prevent Littering of Cigarette Butts around a Lebanese University Campus: A Cross-Sectional Survey” conducted by Dr. Rima Nakkash, Dr. Marco Bardus (Faculty of Health Sciences), and Molly Blue El-Alam (Student) at the American University of Beirut. The conduct of this study will adhere to an IRB approved protocol. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of one component of the anti-littering campaign which is a social media video released by AUB as part of Tobacco Free Task Force activities. We aim to recruit 100 participants in this study. 

This survey is anonymous.

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